The Hunger Games is a young adult novel written by Suzanne Collins. It was originally published in hardcover on September 14, 2008, by Scholastic. It is written in first person and introduces sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world in the country of Panem where the countries of North America once existed. The Capitol,
a highly advanced metropolis, holds absolute power over the rest of the
nation. The Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one
girl aged 12 to 18 from each of the 12 districts surrounding the Capitol
are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle in which only one person can survive.
The book has been released as a paperback and also an audiobook and e-book. The Hunger Games
had an initial print of 200,000 – twice doubled from the original
50,000. Since its initial release, the novel has been translated into 26
different languages and rights of production have been sold in 38
countries. The book received mostly positive reviews from major
reviewers and authors. The Hunger Games is the first novel in The Hunger Games trilogy, followed by Catching Fire, published on September 1, 2009, and Mockingjay, published on August 24, 2010.
A film adaptation, co-written and co-produced by Collins herself and directed by Gary Ross, will be released worldwide on March 23, 2012. The film stars Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta, and Liam Hemsworth as Gale.
A leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore,
usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who
enjoys partaking in mischief. Like other fairy creatures, leprechauns
have been linked to the Tuatha Dé Danann of Irish mythology. The leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes, and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
If ever captured by a human, the leprechaun has the magical power to
grant three wishes in exchange for their release. Popular depiction
shows the leprechaun as being no taller than a small child, with a beard and hat, although they may originally have been perceived
as the tallest of the mound-dwellers (the Tuatha Dé Danann).
The Magical Legend Of The Leprechaun
You may end up being the luckiest person alive if you ever manage to
catch a Leprechaun but there again it could bring more than enough
trouble for what its worth.
A Leprechaun is a smart, devious little thing and who’ll do anything
to escape capture even if it means turning you into a frog. They are
the exception in the Faerie realm as they are the only Faerie that has a
trade other than cattle trading. They are shoe-makers.